Sunday 8 January 2012

How can I choose which breakfast cereal excites me the most?

I don't do lists. If people ask me what my top five favorite bands, songs, films, sexual positions, donuts, Nazis  methods of political rule or kings and queens of Zambia are, I am always torn for choice. How can I choose which breakfast cereal excites me the most? Mountain Dew Code Red or Jolt? Heads or Tails? There's too much choice!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHBKLMN:FIOIUHIHYGLIN TI%IDO:

Okay, well, since I have now calmed down, I've decided to let other people do the choosing! Here's a video of the top ten pranks of 2011. Enjoy. Although, there were a few to choose from..... BLARGALAHRGLE!!!!!1111!111!!1

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