Welcome to the first guest blog here on Rob Draugr, and I'd like to introduce you to Nom DePlume!
How do you start the end of an era, whist bypassing the chapters of
your life you would rather forget? It's simple. You don't. It took me 25 years
to figure that out. Skating over the unmentionables is like trying to chew
through a piece of rubber; even if you demolish it you can't erase it
completely. It is inevitable. It is a conclusive part of our future. It will
stay with us until we choose to face it head on and even then there are no guarantees
that you will be able to make peace with it. The be all and end all is that
nobody is safe, nobody is God and everybody will take pieces of you until
eventually you break into tiny little fragments and a shadow of your former
self. And the Devil? He lives in all of us. I ain't perfect, but neither are
you. The sooner people start accepting that your reality is made up of bonus
features and pure luck, the better off we will all be. We are all in our own
disaster movie; we are just yet to figure out the Rating. So what are we left
with? After continually letting people into our lives and being the conclusive
part to someone’s sob story, what is there left for us to keep as our own?
Something that nobody can stick their two cents into and say 'I helped build
that!' it’s simple. Masturbation. The symbolic right (or left) hand of justice
that says 'Pleasures all mine, thanks for coming.' Life’s too short to worry
about the wrinkles in your jeans so let’s just focus on one thing at a time,
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