Tuesday, 17 January 2012

The Softest Matter In The Universe

Like a lot of disaffected youths, I turned to metal music to answer all my questions of life, love, hope, despair and sex, and like most disaffected youths I used alcohol to heighten these periods of self doubt and questioning. Now, after being out of my teens for 7 years, and still being a damn dirty metalhead, who still routinely uses alcohol to heighten his periods of self doubt, lack of self worth and stupidity, when it comes to listening to bands, I like to look for the moments of calm in the storm, that piece of tranquility in an otherwise maelstrom of metal and guitar. Which is probably what prompted me to make this playlist and ultimately share it with yourselves. I'm sure there are many other songs that fit the criteria of "random acoustic/jangly song on a metal album that really stands out" and I am all ears for new suggestions and new examples of that strange juxtaposition, however, for the moment, this is "The Softest Matter In The Universe." Switch on, switch off and lose yourself. 

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