Friday, 3 February 2012

Trash my brother talks on Skyrim

So after having to sit there for two hours listening to my brother bitch whilst playing on COD, I was treated to him trash talking whilst on Skyrim. Again, I feel the need to stress the point he is 31...

Whilst Stealing and generally being a theif:

"I'm not taking anything I shouldn't steal"

"Look he's asleep...Ahhhhhhh I'm in your house"

Whilst dealing with shop keepers:

"Do come back." "Fuck off you peado..."

"I've got some bits for you mate, how would you like a cheese wheel...STOLEN!"

"Hello friend, what are you hunting?" "I'm hunting for your wife..."

"Here, have a bucket..."

On marriage:

"Bitch runs away for the entire game and now she's living in a hovel, fuck, I sold the wedding band and everything!"

"Cook me something bitch"


"Get away if you can bitch...[Dragon flies away] What the FUCK?"

"How the fuck do you lose a dragon???"

"I'm over encumbered, I can't run...But I can jump! BOING!"

"Come on you ugly piece of shit..."

"I'm going to take your soul and gain your knowledge"

"Her head bounced well"

"Fuck, shit, fuck, why am I still crouching? Get up. Get up. GET UP YOU DUMB BASTARD!"

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