Friday, 16 March 2012

Time to shift my arse

So, like most "Casual" gamers, I am a chunky monkey, however, I have made a slight observation the past few days, and that is I have evolved from Chunky Monkey to it's next level of Thunderchunk, and I'll tell you now, I am not happy about my level of inactivity! Goddam Mountain Dew and Donuts tasting so bloody good, well, NO MORE! My significant other (No not the Limp Bizkit album...) has been on a push to exercise and get herself fit, and I must say, she's doing fantastic, and by the looks of things, I've been consuming her share of the natural resources of Foodvania. So, I am going to start a little experiment. I have a Wii, I have a Kinect. I have "Sports"/"Fitness" games for both... well why in the name of all that is Cock do I not use them??? Somehow, somewhere I got a swift kick up the arse from lady motivation this morning, despite the other halves best efforts to get me going for the past two months which seems to have taken a while to build up in my head!
So, I am going to use the Kinect and Kinect sports, and whatever Wii games I have to see if I can lose some weight by doing an hours exercise a day on them. Also, the Moutain Dew, the crisps, the biscuits must go. I figure I shall start doing a video blog once a week letting you know how I'm getting on, for all those that care anyway! Here's my exercise playlist, and help keep me motivated by hash tagging #ExerciseThoseFattyDemonsFatboy on twitter.

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