Monday 6 February 2012

Trash my brother talked during the Superbowl


So since I have had to listen to my 31 year old brother talk shit at games like Call of Duty and Skyrim, now I had the pleasure of listening to him talk trash at the TV during the Superbowl. Bear in mind, we are English, and are used to Rugby and Football, however, all the following made me giggle my tits off!

"What did Tuck score two fucking points for, he didn't even touch the ball!?!"

"Who the fuck is Tom Brady?"

"What the fucks a second down?"

"Seriously, what the fuck is second and four?"

"I could do this American Football, I'd have been like the Fridge..."

"Nineteen plays to one, seriously what the fuck? Give me a scrum."

"What's with all the fucking adverts???"

"Madonna at half time, where did they dig her up from?"

"Are the team emblems actually on the field or super imposed?"

"What's he on about tight ends for?"

"Mayo was coming round the edges...they better get a mop on that."

"That bit I understood." "Which bit?" "Touchdown..."

"Madonna...What the fuck has she got in common with the NFL?"

And then he fell asleep during Madonna's horrible half time show. And I got to watch the rest of the game in peace. Holding onto the hope that either one of two things happened.

  1. The Rock or Burt Reynolds came on with five minutes to go in the last quarter and turned the tide of the game by making that crucial pass to the geek.
  2. Peter Griffin was brought on by the Patriots, scored a touchdown and showboated with Shipoopie. 
And neither happened. 

Addendum... That last touchdown was a complete washout....

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised you got up this morning, your Dad didn't
