Wednesday, 6 March 2013

2015: The Year of the geek

2015. It's a date for any geeks diary. Not only is it the year of hover boards, 3D attacking advertising and Marty McFly heading to Hillvalley to help his future son, it's also  "THE YEAR OF THE GEEK!!" (Imagine this in a loud, booming Hollywood echoey voice)

2015 holds in store, film wise anyways, Marvel's The Avengers 2, The Fantastic Four reboot (Apparently according to IMDB) and Ant Man, DC comics The Justice League (If all the rumours and buzz is to be believed), the return of everyones friendly neighbourhood Jedi knight Luke Skywalker in Star Wars Episode VII, Truckers the Terry Pratchett novel turned CGI picture and various other sequels including Pirates 5, M:I 5 and Avatar 2. Bookwise, we should see the return of George R R Martin with his follow up to Dances with Dragons, The Winds of Winter, which by that time, the Game of Thrones TV series may well have caught up to GRRM!

So 2015 may well be the single greatest year for geeks and nerds. Just as previous years have done for Zombies and sparkly shovel faced vampires, 2015 will definitely be the year that geeks are thrust into the forefront. It's starting to happen already, what with the massive interest around Spiderman 2, Xmen DOFP, Ironman 3, Thor 2 and Captain America 2 and this can only be a good thing for us all. Living in England, there isn't as big a comic book culture as there is in the states, and local shops don't stock comics for us all to delve into, my local shop only stocks Wedding Magazines (Useful since I'm engaged!), tacky women porn (Hello!, Okay!, Take Me Out! More! More! More! etc...) and the tabloids! Perhaps it will enable the new generation to access the source material a lot easier than my generation, and this can only be a good thing, as comic books have challenged many ideas in society (Gay couples, gay marriage, religion, politics etc) and are often very far ahead of their times, therefore to promote these ideals to the next generation can only be a good thing. 

So embrace your inner geek, become extrovertly geeky and may the force be with you.

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