Wednesday, 27 March 2013

A Game of Heroes: Marvel and DC in the world of Westeros...

So, if you've been on Twitter, and lets face, EVERYONE is on Twitter, you'll have seen that the nice people at HBO have developed a page called Join The Realm, which enables you to create a sigil for your family name in the style of the seven families of Westeros ala Game of Thrones. I did this myself, as did my fiancee, and here's our results. 

Our words were pinched from Metallica songs, House Robin's from Sanitrium (Welcome Home) and House Morley's from Master of Puppets and both seemed very apt and inspired by GRRM's magnum opus.

Now the inner geek in me couldn't help but bubble over once we'd started making them, and I decided to start looking for Marvel and D.C symbols and attempting to recreate them within the world of Westeros and the seven kingdoms. Low and behold, I could!

So, for your viewing pleasure, here's my attempts at a selection of various Marvel and DC characters, some pretty simple and straight forward and others I thought would be a little but more vague and funny!

I hope you enjoy them!

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